Table of Contents

Last Updated: 2/6/2023


What is Planning?

Planning is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence that involves the development of algorithms and computational models for making decisions about the future. It's a crucial aspect of AI that helps intelligent systems to determine the best course of action to take in a particular situation. Artificial intelligence systems need to make decisions based on the available information, but they also need to be able to plan ahead. Planning enables AI systems to determine the best possible outcome in a given situation by considering future events and the potential consequences of their actions. With planning, AI systems would be able to make informed decisions and would be able to react only to the current situation. Consider a self-driving car. To successfully navigate the roads, the car's AI system needs to plan ahead and determine the best path to its destination. The vehicle must consider factors such as traffic, road conditions, and potential obstacles and choose the best sequences of actions to avoid accidents and arrive at its destination safely. This requires the AI system to plan ahead and consider the potential consequences of its actions, making decisions based on what it believes to be the best outcome.

Another real-life example is a robot performing a task in a manufacturing facility. The robot must be able to plan its actions to complete the task efficiently and effectively. For example, suppose the robot needs to assemble a product. In that case, it must determine the best order for completing each process step, considering factors such as the availability of resources and the time required for each step. This requires the robot to plan ahead and make decisions based on its understanding of the task and the resources available to it.

Planning is a critical component of Artificial Intelligence. It enables AI systems to determine the best possible outcome in a given situation by considering future events and the potential consequences of their actions. Planning is used in various applications, from self-driving cars to manufacturing robots, and helps AI systems make informed decisions and achieve their goals.

The process of planning is divided into several steps:

  • State representation: This involves describing the current situation or environment in a way that the planning algorithm can understand.
  • Goal formulation involves defining the desired outcome or goal the agent is trying to achieve.
  • Search: This involves searching through the space of possible plans to find one that will achieve the desired goal.
  • Execution: This involves carrying out the chosen plan in the real world.

Some examples of planning problems in Artificial Intelligence include:

  • Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) - finding the shortest route to visit a set of cities and return to the starting city.
  • Resource Allocation Problem - allocating resources such as time, money, or personnel to different tasks in an optimal way.
  • Scheduling Problem - scheduling tasks to be completed over time while considering constraints such as resource availability and task dependencies.
  • Logistics Planning - optimizing the movement of goods and resources from one location to another.
  • Production Planning - determining the most efficient way to produce a product, considering available resources, demand, and production costs.
  • Healthcare Planning - optimizing the allocation of healthcare resources, such as hospital beds and medical personnel, to meet patient needs while maximizing the use of resources.
  • Mars Rover Mission Planning - planning the movements of a Mars rover to complete its mission while avoiding obstacles and conserving resources.

Planning in Real Life

AI planning can be used to solve a wide range of problems, including scheduling and resource allocation, logistics, manufacturing, and many other real-world applications like:

  • Robotics: AI planning is used in robotics to plan the actions of robots, such as determining the best way to pick up and move objects in a warehouse.
  • Self-driving cars: AI planning is used in self-driving cars to plan the car's actions, such as determining the best route to take and how to navigate safely in traffic.
  • Logistics: AI planning is used in logistics to plan the most efficient routes for delivery trucks and optimize the use of resources.
  • Scheduling: AI planning is used in scheduling systems to determine the best resource schedule, such as machines, employees, and materials.
  • Game AI: AI planning is used in game AI to plan the actions of non-player characters (NPCs) to make them more realistic and believable.
  • Virtual personal assistants: AI planning is used to plan the responses of virtual personal assistants in natural language processing for dialogue systems to make the interactions more realistic and efficient.
  • Healthcare: AI planning is used to plan patient treatment, including drug therapy and surgical procedures.
  • Space exploration: AI planning is used to plan the actions of spacecraft and rovers, determining the most efficient routes to explore and gather data.
  • Power and Water Management: AI planning is used to plan the most efficient use of power and water resources to optimize their use and reduce waste.

Types of Planning

There are different types of planning in AI, including:

  1. Classical Planning: This type of planning uses formal language to represent the world, actions, and goals and uses algorithms to find a plan that achieves the desired goal.
  2. Hierarchical Planning: This type of planning breaks down a complex problem into smaller subproblems, making it easier for the computer to find a solution.
  3. Real-time Planning: This type of planning focuses on finding a plan in real time, considering dynamic and changing situations.
  4. Probabilistic Planning: This type of planning considers uncertainty and randomness in decision-making.

Extra Resources


This book provides a comprehensive introduction to AI, covering all major field areas, including planning. It is suitable for beginners and intermediates and is considered one of the best AI textbooks.

This book provides a hands-on introduction to AI using Python. It covers the basics of AI planning and problem solving, including search algorithms and heuristics, and is suitable for both beginners and intermediates.

This book provides an introduction to the theoretical foundations of AI, including planning and decision-making. It is suitable for intermediates with prior knowledge of AI and computer science.
