Table of Contents

In this document

Last Updated: 2/6/2023

Welcome to MLGuru!

If you are reading this, you probably want to learn or improve your Machine Learning skills but, you don't know where to start or how to continue. In MLGuru we understand you. We’ve created this website with the idea of it as a collection of machine learning resources, where you could find anything you need like: books, papers, APIs, videos, frameworks, and more. Thousands of resources are available on many learning websites today, making some learners feel lost! What makes MLGuru learning different is:

Content without context is useless.

MLGuru doesn't just offer concepts. Our approach includes a complete overview of each topic, including real-life examples, diagrams, and external resources so that our readers can learn, put this knowledge into practice and go deeper if they want. Our learning pages can be used in two ways, regardless of whether you are a beginner or an expert in Artificial Intelligence:

  • Guided Adventure: If you are starting in this fantastic world and need help knowing where to start, you may want to read and enjoy every word. These learning pages are written to begin from the fundamentals and slowly get to advanced topics in a logical order, always providing external resources to learn even more about any concept you want to. We recommend this approach if you are starting or want to become an expert in Artificial Intelligence step by step.
  • Choose your own Adventure: If you already know the basics and want to learn more about a specific topic, you are also welcome to do it, and we'll also be able to help you. You can visit any learning page, check the unwrapping tutorials, or search for recommended resources. We evaluate resources before posting or updating them here, so they may be updated monthly to keep the most relevant or valuable.

The following pages contain definitions and examples of the most important concepts within Artificial Intelligence, to elaborate them we take as reference books, articles, websites, documentation, and videos, among many other resources that you will find at your disposal throughout your adventure, in case you want to deep dive into any specific topic. The resources are optional. However, we encourage you to review them if a concept needs clarification or you want to find more examples

The most important thing is: to have fun and enjoy the journey. Machine Learning is fantastic, we are probably at the gates of the next industrial revolution, and you can be a significant part of it!

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive deeper into the ML Guru learning pages.